Monetary donations from the TFPD Community make it possible to cover those expenses which are not included in our annual budget. Our budget process is streamlined. Fixed expenses, along with normal expected expenses, are always included within our budget. However, there are certain items/projects we would like to pursue, but the funding is just not there. That is why monetary donations are important. Your donation will always support either our volunteer Firefighters, Emergency Medical Response personnel, or a project which supports the entire TFPD Community. Here are a few examples:
- Community Outreach Programs: Programs are designed with the TFPD Community in mind.
- Fire Danger Signage: Keeps our entire TFPD Community informed.
- Firefighter Equipment: Did you know firefighter gear costs approximately $10,000 per Firefighter?
- Grant-Matching Funds: Grants applied for with our Volunteer First Responders needs in mind. Dependent upon the specific Grant allocation.
Be a part of it all! Consider making a donation to TFPD today!
There are two convenient ways for you to send a monetary donation:
- On the TFPD website (, scroll down to the bottom of any page, and you will see a red rectangle with the word "Donate" in the center. Click on that and you will have two options: "Donate with PayPal" OR "Donate with a Debit or Credit Card." Choose the option that works best for you! Just follow the prompts and complete all fields with accurate information. TFPD will be notified of your donation.
- You can always send a check. Make it payable to “TFPD” and mail to:
Tallahassee Fire Protection District
PO Box 510
Canon City, CO 81215-0510
THANK YOU for supporting your TFPD First Responders!

Grants are important to the TFPD because our budget alone cannot support all the needs required in order to protect the health and safety of our firefighters and the public. Grants provide an important source of funding to plug the gap between what we need and what we can afford through our normal revenue streams.
Each grant funds different items such as vehicles, safety gear, equipment, training, and each grant has its own application process. To receive a grant, the TFPD completes an application which must include a compelling reason why the funds are needed. Grants are highly competitive, and requests always outnumber the amount of funds available. Some grants provide only a portion of a request, such as a “50-50 grant.” This type of grant will award 50% of the amount requested only if the fire department can pay the remaining 50%. That is why the TFPD includes “Matching Grants” in its budget.
TFPD has been awarded grants to pay for training and vital equipment -- both past and present. TFPD is extremely grateful for this distinction.
- TFPD COMMUNITY UNRESTRICTED DONATIONS RECEIVED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR: Thanks to the generous support of the TFPD Community, as well as other donors outside of our community, TFPD will be able to put these monetary funds toward the purchase of an AMKUS Spreader -- which is a battery-powered rescue tool used for extrication purposes at motor vehicle accidents. Why is this important? Because the number one incident TFPD responds to is motor vehicle accidents. This rescue tool will increase our capacity, capability and expediency at motor vehicle incidents -- when time and safety matter. UPDATE: TFPD purchased and received an AMKUS Spreader in February 2022. For photos, please click HERE.
- TFPDCOMMUNITY RESTRICTED DONATIONS RECEIVED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR: A donation was received to be specifically used to purchase an Extractor (properly cleans Firefighters contaminated protective gear which greatly reduces their exposure to cancer-causing carcinogens, other harmful chemicals, and helps extend the usable life of their gear), an Air Drying System (effectively dries Firefighters protective gear), a Swamp Cooler for the TFPD Main Station, and provided funding to support the TFPD Community Safety Program. A heartful THANK YOU for this thoughtful donation!
- TFPD HOLIDAY STOCKING STUFFER (2021): Due to the support and generosity of the TFPD Community, this program was a success! Every donated dollar (after covering all expenses) will go toward funding the TFPD Community Safety Program. This program will allow TFPD to purchase fire safety items (such as batteries, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, fire blankets, first aid kits, etc.) which will be distributed to TFPD residents while supplies last at future public events. TFPD would also like to offer fire safety courses.
- TFPD MAIN STATION DRIVEWAY PROJECT: A special THANK YOU goes out to Martin Marietta - Parkdale Quarry (Josh Esquibel, Plant Manager) for their generous donation of almost 200 tons of rock material and Currant Creek Partnership (Pat & Lori Long) for completing the work -- driveway apron, drive alley around the building, and upper parking areas graded and rocked. And pardon the pun -- but you both ROCK!
- TFPD COMMUNITY UNRESTRICTED DONATIONS RECEIVED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR: Thanks to the generous support of the TFPD Community, as well as other donors, TFPD was able to purchase and install a Smokey the Bear Fire Danger Sign on the north end of the Main Station property. Thank you to those who helped with the installation. This sign is a prime example of your Community dollars at work! For photos, please click HERE.
- TFPD COMMUNITY RESTRICTED DONATIONS RECEIVED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR: A donation was received to be specifically applied toward helping cover the cost of Swift Water Rescue Gear for TFPD Emergency Responders.
- TFPD HOLIDAY STOCKING STUFFER INITIATIVE: This initiative was started to help fund Community Medical Outreach Programs such as Stop the Bleed, First Aid, CPR, etc. Thanks to the generosity of the TFPD Community, this initiative was a success. Every donated dollar (after covering all expenses) will help cover the cost(s) of instructor fees, supplies, mailing costs, etc., for programs held in 2022.